ph. Archive NBU
Singers–students and professionals up to the age of 32 years and abroad are eligible for the Master Class in Opera Singing.
The applicants have to prepare a repertory of five arias for the competitive audition and for the work during the Master Class. This repertory is subject of approval or changes by Raina Kabaivanska.
After the audition, ten active participants and course participants are fixed.
They are trained under the estimation of Raina Kabaivanska.
Pianists-accompanists and a teacher in Italian language are at the disposal of the participants.
The active participants, who have completed the course, receive a certificate.
The Master Class is open to listeners and audience.
The Master Class will end by a Gala Concert of the best performers to the accompaniment of the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra with the special participation of Raina Kabaivanska.
Application deadline
30 August 2006
16 September 2006, 10.00 a.m., "Bulgaria" chamber music hall
Master Class
17 September – 27 September 2006, "Bulgaria" chamber music hall
Gala Concert
28 September 2006, "Bulgaria" grand concert hall
For more information - see Master Classes, Regulations