Aida Pascu

soprano, (Romania)

Aida Pascu graduated from National University of Music in Bucharest. Since 2021 she has been studying with Raina Kabaivanska in her Masterclasses at New Bulgarian University and at Vecchi-Tonelli Music Institute in Modena. She is a scholarship holder of Raina Kabaivanska fund at the New Bulgarian University.
She won prizes in the competitions: Georges Enesco Competition, Paris 2019, Grand Prix of Romania, Bucharest 2019 and 2020, “Ionel Perlea” International Competition, Slobozia 2021, “Luciano Neroni”, International Competition, Ripatransone 2021.
She made her debuts at National Bucharest Opera and Comic Bucharest Opera.
Her repertoire includes: Mimi in “La Boheme”, Liu in “Turandot” by Puccini, Micaela in “Carmen” by Bizet, Contessa in “Le nozze di Figaro”, Fiordiligi in “Cosi fan tutte”, Pamina in “Die Zauberflöte” by Mozart.